In my business development activities, I am well aware that I am modeling for my clients. This means I won’t ask them to do anything I wouldn’t do myself and am ready to demonstrate best practices for my clients when there is an opportunity. I am also willing to personally ask friends, colleagues, and family members to contribute financially to my client’s organizations because I know the funds they raise will be used effectively.
In that spirit, I held my first “Friend-raiser” for an LSC client, Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice (YMPJ). Friend-raisers are events and gatherings attended by known supporters. We had two special guests – my son, YMPJ alum Isaiah Lopez, and Bishop Canion of Gospel Temple Church. My son provided an update on other alumni he’s still in touch with and Bishop Canion, who prayed for the staff’s health and wisdom to keep doing the work. It was a comforting and inspirational meeting. Special thanks to all my friends and family who donated to YMPJ at the end of the year. Thank you for supporting me and my work.